Equipment and Defensible Space

Fire Safe Council Equipment

See info re rental equipment available to all cabin owners of Mt Laguna on Fire Safe Updates.

Creating Defensible Space

Maintaining defensible space around each and every cabins is vitally important to fire safety for our own cabin, our neighbors, Laguna Mountain and the surrounding communities.  Creating defensible space is a key component to effective fire prevention and fire fighting, if necessary.

US Forest Service, CalFire and San Diego County fire regulations all follow the 100′ defensible space specifications. The 100′ clearance area is divided into two zones:

  • ZONE 1 – “Lean, Clean and Green” for the first 30′ around the cabin.

Zone 1 must be cleared of flammable materials, pine needles, leaves, brush, tree branches and pine cones. Tree branches within 10′ of cabin chimneys and stove pipes must be trimmed. Firewood should be stacked at least 30′ away from structures.

  • ZONE 2 – “Reduced Fuel Zone” for the area 30 to 100′ around the the cabin.

In Zone 2 native vegetation must be thinned 50%; lower tree branches must be trimmed up at least 5′ from the ground; all dead and dying vegetation must be removed.

Additional information about defensible space and wild land fire safety can be found at the Ready for Wildfire website.