On this page:

  • Fire Safe Council
  • Camp Old Fire Station
  • Equipment Safe Use

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Fire Safe Council

Mission Statement

To work as a community with agency partners to reduce the threat of fire and promote a healthy forest on Mount Laguna.

Fire safety is an ever-present concern on the mountain. The award-winning Fire Safe Council was started by the MLIA. The Mount Laguna Fire Safe Council (MLFSC) stands on its own now as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. It is an all-volunteer organization with no paid staff. The Council works constantly to bring together all the communities and organizations on the mountain to disseminate fire safety information, techniques, upcoming events, and training.

Fire Safe Council projects include:
  • on-going education about fire safety and creating defensible space,
  • maintaining a supply of brush cutting and weed whacking tools available for loan to cabin owners,
  • keeping cabin owners current regarding Forest Service fire regulations,
  • helping cabin owners remove dead trees,
  • making and placing cabin number markers at main driveway entrances to facilitate Fire and Emergency providers in case of an emergency.
Fire Safe Council (MLFSC) Meetings

Mount Laguna Fire Safe Council (MLFSC) meetings are held at the Red Tailed Roost located on Sunrise Highway across from the Mount Laguna Volunteer Fire Department. All MLIA cabin owners are encouraged to attend the Fire Safe Council Meetings.

2024 MEETINGS: 10 am Red Tailed Roost on Sunrise Highway:

There will be no Fire Safe Council meeting in September as the MLIA Annual meeting takes place on the third Saturday of September. For more information about the Fire Safe Council, please email, Doug Reed, Mt. Laguna Fire Safe Council President

MLFSC Board Members, Directors and Officers
  • President – Doug Reed
  • Vice President – Joe Cochran
  • Treasurer – Tom McNicol
  • Secretary – Meg Moore
  • Directors – Mike Jacobs, Tina Pivonka and Richard Willis
  • Tools Managers – Jack Splinter and Richard Willis

Camp Ole Fire Station

Camp Ole is the U.S. Forest Service fire station on Mount Laguna. Forest Service fire fighters operate out of Camp Ole for mountain fire prevention and response as well as maintain barracks there. Brush and branches removed from areas around cabins as part of on-going fuel reduction efforts may be deposited in area designated by the Forest Service..

Currently the Forest Service is making space for cabin fuel reduction material and branches in a closed area near the old Air Force Station. The Mount Laguna Fire Safe Council provides a dumpster for pine needles, leaves and twigs. The brush pile for small branches is adjacent to the dumpster

For information about fuel reduction brush deposits see Cabin Fuel Reduction Guidelines

It is important for all cabin owners to honor these guidelines. Our arrangement with Forest Service to use Camp Ole is a cooperative one. If Camp Ole was not open to cabin owners, we would have to hire private a chipping service to do the work or do it ourselves.

  • Camp Ole Captain
    • Billy Simmons, Captain (619) 473-8527

Equipment Use Safety Use